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How Often Do Men Think About the Roman Empire? Is There a Female Equivalent?
If you’ve missed the viral TikTok trend (or you’re a Millennial like me and saw it on Instagram two weeks later), women are asking the men in their life “How often do you think about the Roman empire?”
The Mackinac Island Debacle Underscores a Simple Truth – Your Team Really Matters
Were you at the Republican Leadership Conference on Mackinac Island? Neither was anyone else.
Checking in on your 2023 reading goal
Now that we are solidly into fall, I figured this would be a good time to see how everyone’s doing on their reading goals for 2023. With only three months left in the year, it’s crunch time to get those pages in. How’s yours coming along?
Threads: Do I really have to download another social media app?
If you’re like me then your immediate reaction to learning about the launch of a new social media app is probably something between dread and general frustration. Don’t we already have enough of these things?
Chopsticks for Your Oatmeal?
Father’s Day just happened. It was my 16th as a dad; my 48th as a son. And this year brought a new twist.
Web Design vs Kitchen Design
Redesigning a kitchen is a lot like building a new website. Both can be frustrating, time consuming, and so worth it when the design you imagined comes to life.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Self-Care
If you’re anything like me, you always have a list of things to get done. Making a to-do-list is the only way I keep my busy life organized and how I remember what needs to be done.
Yes, I Use ChatGPT… and You Should too
Yup, I said it. And I could have taken the easy way out and had our soon-to-be robot overlords write this whole thing, but I’m not going to do that for one very simple yet important reason: I’m just better, and I don’t see that changing.
Digital Divas (the soft launch)
Who the heck are the Digital Divas? Well, it’s a long story. It all began more than six months ago when Matt came to me and Nikki and asked us to create an e-newsletter with tips, tricks and all the latest trends in digital marketing.
PR Advice for Meghan and Harry (and for you if your brand’s in crisis too)
If you know me, you know I’m an anglophile. From my love for British literature to my devotion to our recently departed queen (may she rest in peace), I am here for all of it.
Stop the Madness!
There was a time in my life that I would never miss an Indiana University men’s basketball game. I’ve been a true fan of two sports teams: the Chicago Cubs and the Indiana Hoosiers.
Revenge Toon
As Dickens once wrote, “The holidays are a time for revenge.” So, in the spirit of old, dead Marley, I present the 2022 Resch Strategies Christmas card.
The Way Back Machine
Have you heard of The Way Back Machine? It’s a website that holds a virtual catalog of other websites long gone and much changed, dating back to the 90s. It’s fun to check out popular sites and see how far we’ve come with web design.
Pick Up the Phone
Whether it’s client relationships or working with the press, to get results, there’s nothing more important than connection. Picking up the phone means connection.
Fixing the world’s problems one minute at a time
I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but it seems there are a lot of angry people out there in the world. It’s political campaign season. That’s gotta play a role, I get that. But markets are down, prices are up, tensions are high, emotions are low, it’s allergy season, Twitter is alive and well, the Queen is not. People have reasons to be ticked!
The role of an SME: Behind the scenes, or in the spotlight?
Subject Matter Experts: Everyone has them. Not everyone uses them in external relations – and understandably so. While your organization’s CEO or official spokesperson is likely the one interfacing with the media and is most likely to be quoted, your SMEs should not be overlooked as sources for earned media. With the relentlessness of the 24-hour news cycle, reporters are always looking for expert sources to comment on the topic of the day.
Joe Fixes College Football
College football is broken. It’s been broken. And with USC and UCLA set to join the Big Ten (what?) and the college football playoff about to balloon from 4 teams to 12, we’re now teetering on the brink of things being shattered beyond repair. Thankfully, I’m here to fix it. And it’s only going to take me about 600 words.
Puppy Marketing
There is a general idea in marketing and messaging that a person or audience needs to see or hear a message seven times before it sinks in and moves someone to take action. The “Rule of 7,” some call it.
Johnny Depp, Amber Heard and the Power of PR
The very best public relations efforts don’t happen quickly. They need time to ripen in the public imagination as events unfold around them. Then, when the campaign is fully matured, it appears as magic to win the day.

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