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So you want to write a LinkedIn article
So you want to write a LinkedIn article… But you might want some tips, tricks and best practices before you start your draft — so we've created this helpful guide.
Returning to in-person events
Conferences and events have long been a staple in almost every industry, but COVID-19 brought these in-person networking and professional development opportunities to a halt. While many organizations pivoted to hosting virtual events, which still provide valuable learning opportunities, it’s just hasn’t had the same feeling or impact. There is great news for people with ZOOM fatigue. In-person events are BACK!
874 Words on Brevity
Keep it short. Keep it simple. These are a couple of the most basic rules of communicating and public relations. You keep it short because attention spans are short. You keep it simple because people are, well, simple.
Prepare for your advocacy day with these social tips
Have an advocacy day coming up for your organization? Don’t forget to share the day on your social media accounts. Here are our top tips for making a splash on your big day.
Podcasts worth listening to
So apparently, it’s my turn again, and as the leading “expert” on almost nothing, you can expect more of the same from me: PODCASTS. Only this time, I’m going to be even less helpful. In a move that says “I, and I alone, have good taste and should be listened to” I’m going to offer up a list of three of my current personal favorite podcasts.
O Christmas Card, O Christmas Card
I’ve got something to say about Christmas cards.
Basically, I think fewer of you are sending them, and I’m worried.
I base this on the fact that it feels like I’ve just gotten fewer Christmas cards so far this year than I normally do.
Choosing your moments well
Sadly, it’s a PR call we get too often. Something bad has happened—a school shooting, the death of a colleague, a major incident or tragedy—and our clients want to know how to respond. Very often, folks wish to put out a statement, or post their viewpoints on social media. And equally often, our advice is to wait.
Resch Strategies Awards Leadership Lansing Scholarship to Big Brothers Big Sisters – Michigan Capital Region
Leadership from Big Brothers Big Sisters – Michigan Capital Region will have the opportunity to attend Leadership Lansing, the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce’s leadership initiative, at no cost this year thanks to a contribution from Resch Strategies.
A little thing at a dark time
Spending more time working from home over the last 18 months has had its benefits. No doubt, a lot of the changes and restrictions of pandemic life have been frustrating and exhausting, but some of the upsides of a more relaxed working environment at home have been welcome.
The perfect PR window: Does it exist?
Anyone who has worked in or around the Capitol knows the challenges of trying to unveil a big initiative while navigating the political machine. You’ve got the legislative calendar, budget proposal, budget completion, State of the State address, Consensus Revenue Estimating Conferences, election deadlines, ballot initiatives - and this is just working around what’s planned. A reporter on the Capitol or statewide beat will tell you that when a routine week of coverage is planned, it ends up being anything but.
An Ode to Canva
There is a lot of content on the internet. I can lose hours at a time just swiping on my phone. (Thanks, TikTok). With this sea of content for people to choose from, it can be a battle just to get viewers to your Facebook page, website, e-newsletter, etc. Once someone lands where you want them to, you need to grab their attention within seconds in order to ensure that they continue interacting with your content.
This can be hard. Graphics can help.
Resch Strategies welcomes Anna Heaton as Vice President
Resch Strategies, a statewide public relations and public affairs firm, today announced the addition of Anna Heaton to their lineup of public relations professionals, welcoming the former gubernatorial press secretary as vice president of the 12-year old firm.
Back in the saddle
On Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - for the first time in 442 days – the entire Resch Strategies team was back together under one roof. It wasn’t a planned thing. No one said, “Ok, it’s June 1. Let’s all go back today.” (I guess that would have been my job to do.) It was a podcast day, which does seem to bring folks in, but no. No plan. No official return. No government edict. Just a happy little coincidence.
Rediscover your work-life balance
Zoom meetings. Moving from one crisis to the next. Rolling out of bed directly into the office chair. Working from home sounded great 14 months ago, but global pandemics have a way of defying expectations.
Tips for starting your podcast
If you’re considering starting podcast, there’s a lot to do and figure out before hitting “record” for the first time.
Create your digital brand
When it comes to your various social channels, it’s one thing to post the occasional article and funny meme - and you may get decent engagement that way - but it’s much more impactful if you do a little bit of work upfront and determine who YOU are as a brand.
How to find your perfect (PR) match
PR isn’t just about pushing out content, it’s about sharing the right content at the right time and being ready for what’s ahead. Finding the right match to help you tell your story can take your efforts to the next level.
Zoom, zoom goes the news conference
One of the biggest professional fears of any PR person is to hold a news conference and have not a single reporter show up. Bad fear; a worst reality. We recently facilitated a news conference and EVERYONE showed up. If anyone ever questioned the interest in high school sports, let me provide your answer: People are interested in high school sports!
2020 + Social Media
This year, we’ve begun to face some hard truths about social media. While we know its value in keeping us united during tough times (hello, pandemic!), we also can see its ability to divide. Its addictive nature. Its limitations as an instrument of public discourse.

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